Strategic Planning

Strategy Intensives

During these customized half, full, or multi-day sessions we collaborate with your leadership team to build a foundation for success. We give you the tools, knowledge, and structure to set and achieve goals while building a company you love.

Sample 3-Day Intensive Focus Areas:

  • Core Values, Mission & Vision

  • Short and Long Term Goals

  • Revenue and Profit Targets

  • Right People, Right Seats

  • “Who Owns This?”

  • Get It Done

  • Target Market

  • Sales and Marketing Funnels

  • Core Processes

  • 90-Day Roadmap

Quarterly & Annual Meetings

If your team is setting effective and achievable goals and promoting accountability, anything is possible. Having an unbiased third party facilitating can be a game changer - taking your quarterly and annual meetings from rote to revolutionary.

  • Half-day Meeting Facilitation

  • Full-day Meeting Facilitation

  • Multi-day Meeting Facilitation